A responsive website design is one of the best pieces of tech you can utilise in 2018. Many people who initially owned websites required users to access their sites through desktops. However, it’s important to note that nowadays many people own smartphones and other mobile devices. Since web users want to access various sites from the comfort of their mobile phones, there’s a need for mobile friendly website designs.
First, it’s essential to understand what a mobile responsive site actually is. Once you optimise your site for this, your website design will react or adjust to different devices. Mobile responsive designs will make it possible for users to access images as well as all the information they’re looking for. The site achieves this by displaying the content according to the size of the screen being used.
Why use responsive design?
Many individuals and companies want to make their content accessible to as many people as possible. Therefore, enhancing the experience of different users is essential, and it helps boost the image of your business. It’s necessary to compare the scenario of the physical store and a website.
Every business person needs to welcome his/her customers nicely and make them feel comfortable. Therefore, when you develop a responsive site, clients get the same kind of user-friendly experience that they get from a physical store. Hence, a responsive design will ensure your clients are motivated to browse through your site. Additionally, they’ll have a reason to come back because the content will be displayed in the right way regardless of the device they use.
Implementation of a responsive design
Use of a fluid grid
One way of achieving this type of design is by ensuring that you adopt a fluid grid that shows your site is proportional to the different types of screen sizes available out there. A fluid grid will enable your site to display the content in the right way despite the use of various devices.
Make it suitable for touchscreens
Many people use touchscreen phones, so a website should be compatible with tapping and typing, as well as scrolling and making gestures.
Consider images
It’s important to ensure that your site will display its images on various screens or devices. You’re required to create some rules in CSS that will determine the display of pictures.
Use of a pre-designed layout
Another way of creating a mobile responsive website design is to utilise ready-made plans and change the colour or content, if need be.
Deciding on what to include
To make a responsive website design, determine whether the visitor is using a big screen or a small screen to view your web content. Making some features invisible on specific screen sizes will make it possible for the viewer to only see the information that appears clearly on his/her device.
What has Google done?
Google has introduced an index that will help rank various sites and enable mobile users to access information quickly. Therefore, website owners will have to make their sites mobile friendly if they wish to rank highly.
That’s an update on responsive website design. As a website owner, it’s advisable to use mobile friendly website design as this will make your site compatible with the current Google requirements and the every growing mobile generation of web users. For more information on your website and responsive design get in touch today, we would love to have a chat with you on 0800 118 2411.