Digital Marketing Tips
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Should You Include Staff Photos on Your About Us Page? The Pros, Cons, and Best Practices
Should We Include Staff Photos on Our Website? Including staff photos on your ‘About Us’ page can have a significant impact on both user engagement and SEO. It’s a common question we receive, so here’s a balanced look at the pros and cons, along with key marketing and SEO considerations to help you decide whether… View Article
Boost Your Brand with Video Marketing: Insights from Local Success Stories
Showing what you do in a video is unbeatable Hello there, businesses across Scotland! In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, video content has become the tartan of the marketing world – bold, eye-catching, and utterly indispensable. But why is video marketing so crucial, and how can your local business harness its power? Sit back,… View Article
Unlock the Potential of Google Ads
In today’s fast-paced digital world, capturing the attention of your customers can be challenging. More people are discovering new companies services and products online, making the internet the ultimate marketplace. With eCommerce leading the way, but now service driven businesses getting get rewards from their PPC ads, across the board having a strong digital presence… View Article
Why stopping your ‘Marketing Budget’ could cause you more problems
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on businesses worldwide, like any period of downturn when a business experiences a drop in sales and revenue. As a result, some business owners may be tempted to cut costs, including their marketing budget, to save money. However, cutting your company’s marketing budget could have negative long-term… View Article
Digital Marketing Tips – Setting Clear Goals
What’s the difference between a successful marketing campaign and one that lands with a thud? Defining a clear goal. 🥅 The only way to get the most out of your marketing dollars is first to understand what you want them to do! It may seem simple, but start by asking yourself a few questions: 💬… View Article
Digital Marketing Tips – Track Key Information
Does your business feel a little bit like you’re on a rollercoaster? 🎢 One minute, things are so busy you can hardly keep up, and the next, it’s a virtual ghost town. 👻 While almost every business has some seasonality, constant swings in volume may indicate you need to look at your marketing! 🔍 During… View Article
Digital Marketing Tips – Video Content
Whatever amount of video content your brand is putting our right now, it’s time to double it. Video continues to become more integral to the online shopping experience, whether B2B or B2C, with Google even listing them on the Page 1 search results. Here are a few eye-opening stats about the Video Future: 70% of… View Article
Do you need to generate more leads to drive on your sales?
Great, as we are the marketing agency to help you get the results you want.